Pinan Ichi Steps
1) Bow into Mokuso and slide out into Yoi Dachi. Look to your left, step back with your left foot and begin block, turn hips into left ZD as you perform GB.
2) Raise your left hand to perform hidden move, step through into right ZD and punch chudan level with your right hand.
3) Look over your shoulder step back into right ZD,and perform GB with your right hand, slide back with the front leg into a right KKD (back stance), as you chamber your right hand for a strike. Using your right hand, perform a tettsui (hammer fist), to thetemple. Turn the striking hand over (hidden move), step through to left ZD and punch chudan level with your left hand.
4) Look over your shoulder, step 90 degrees with your left leg, turn your hips into left ZD and perform GB with your left hand.
5) Slide straight into right ZD and perform JU (jodan uke) with right hand.
6) Slide straight into left ZD and perform JU with left hand.
7) Slide straight into right ZD and perform JU with right hand. KIAI!
8) Look over shoulder, begin ¾ turn by stepping into Kake Dachi (hook stance), turn 270 degrees into left ZD and perform GB with left hand.
9) Raise your left hand to perform hidden move, step through into right ZD and punch chudan level with your right hand.
10) Look over shoulder, step back 180 degrees, turn hips into right ZD and perform GB with right hand.
11) Raise right hand to perform hidden move, step through into left ZD and punch chudan level with your left hand.
12) Look over your shoulder, step back 90 degrees and begin block, turn hips into left ZD and perform GB with left hand.
13) Slide straight into right ZD and punch chudan level with your right hand.
14) Slide straight into left ZD and punch chudan level with your left hand.
15) Slide straight into right ZD and punch chudan level with your right hand. KIAI!
16) Look over shoulder, begin ¾ turn by stepping into KK (hook stance), turn 270 degrees into Left KKD and perform Shuto Mawashi Uke.
17) Step through to a 45-degree angle into right KKD and perform another SMU.
18) Turn 135 degrees to your right into right KKD and perform another SMU.
19) Step through to left KKD and perform another SMU.
20) Step back to Yoi Dachi upon Norei. Bow and end kata upon Rei.
Detailed descriptions of the steps with pictures for these kata can be downloaded here.